Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder

Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder.

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful condition that affects the shoulder joint. This condition often develops in three phases: freezing, frozen, and thawing, with each phase representing different levels of discomfort and reduced mobility. Initially, individuals may experience pain and stiffness in the shoulder, which progresses to a point where it becomes challenging to perform everyday activities like reaching overhead, getting dressed, or even lifting objects.

Most individuals will naturally recover from frozen shoulder, but without treatment, the problem can severely affect their quality of life from several months to a few years.

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What does the research say?

The following insights are obtained from systematic reviews and analysis of clinical trials investigating the efficacy of Chinese medicine and acupuncture for frozen shoulder.

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Scientific References

Browse our collection of scientific clinical research on acupuncture for frozen shoulder.

It includes recent and reputable papers published by peer-reviewed journals within the last 10 years.

Frontiers in Medicine

2022, Aug 18

Electroacupuncture for the treatment of frozen shoulder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Frontiers in Medicine

Electroacupuncture is reported to improve FS pain and function compared with control treatments. Additionally, EA can be used as an adjunct therapy for FS pain. EA could emerge as a potent intervention against FS.

Heo JW, Jo JH, Lee JJ, Kang H, Choi TY, Lee MS, Kim JI Full Article

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2020, Sep 25

The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Frozen Shoulder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

In this systematic review and a meta-analysis, acupuncture had shown to be a safe treatment with a significant effect in regard to reducing pain, improving shoulder function, and flexion ROM in the short term and midterm.

Ben-Arie E, Kao PY, Lee YC, Ho WC, Chou LW, Liu HP Full Article

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association

2020, Jan

The effect of electroacupuncture merged with rehabilitation for frozen shoulder syndrome: A single-blind randomized sham-acupuncture controlled study
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association

These results suggest that electroacupuncture plus rehabilitation may provide earlier pain relief for patients with frozen shoulder syndrome (FSS) and could be applied clinically.

Lo MY, Wu CH, Luh JJ, Wang TG, Fu LC, Lin JG, Lai JS Full Article


2017, Dec 1

Effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of shoulder pain: a systematic review of published randomised clinical trials

This study showed that acupuncture is more effective for shoulder pain than physiotherapy. It also indicated that acupuncture combined with physiotherapy or exercise was found to be more effective for frozen shoulder than physiotherapy or exercise alone in the short and long term.

A. Rubio M. Mansfield J. Lewis Full Article

Materia Socio Medica

2016, Jan

Investigation of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Frozen Shoulder
Materia Socio Medica

Acupuncture may improve shoulder motion in patients with frozen shoulder, as indicated by improved range of motion and reduced pain.

Asheghan M, Aghda A, Hashemi E, Hollisaz M Full Article

Yin Tang
“It is by virtue of the twelve channels that human life exists, that disease arises, that human beings can be treated and illness cured. The twelve channels are where beginners start and masters end.” The Classic of Acupuncture
Circa 1st Century BCE