Acupuncture for Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)

Acupuncture for Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis).

Allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever, is an allergic, inflammatory condition of the nasal mucous membranes in response to exposure to indoor and outdoor allergens such as pollen in springtime.

Hay fever symptoms vary in severity and can even persist all year round for some people. It is recommended to seek professional advice and treatment when hay fever affects your performance at work or school or starts interfering with your quality of life.

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What does the research say?

The following insights are obtained from systematic reviews and analysis of clinical trials investigating the efficacy of Chinese medicine and acupuncture for hay fever (allergic rhinitis).

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Although well-conducted clinical research can help members of the public to make better-informed decisions about their healthcare, we cannot claim that any particular treatment may be effective for any individual person.

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Scientific References

Browse our collection of scientific clinical research on acupuncture for hay fever (allergic rhinitis).

It includes recent and reputable papers published by peer-reviewed journals within the last 10 years.

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine

2022, Jan

Effect of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine

There was a significant improvement in FPS (nasal and non-nasal symptoms) between the two types of acupuncture treatments. No significant differences were shown in relief medication scores (RMS) between the real acupuncture treatment group and the sham acupuncture treatment group. No side effects were observed for both groups. The results indicate that acupuncture is an effective and safe alternative treatment for the management of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR).

Xue CC, English R, Zhang JJ, Da Costa C, Li CG Full Article

Translational Pediatrics

2021, Dec

Current status of Chinese herbal medicine to treat allergic rhinitis in children: from the perspective of Western medicine—a narrative review
Translational Pediatrics

The study concludes that Chinese herbal medicines have potential in the treatment of AR, and combining them with Western medicines could lead to enhanced treatment outcomes.

Liang J, Gu Q Full Article


2021, Apr 02

Yu ping feng san for pediatric allergic rhinitis

Our data showed that the use of Yu ping feng san (YPFS) for pediatric allergic rhinitis (PAR) is relatively safe compared to Western medical therapy, but a conclusion could not be drawn because only 5 studies were analyzed.

Liao Y, Zhong J, Liu S, Dai M, Liu Y, Li X, Yang Y, Zhang D, Lai D, Lu T, Zhang Q, Zhao Y Full Article

Chinese Medicine

2020, Oct 12

Acupuncture methods for allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and bayesian meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Chinese Medicine International Society for Chinese Medicine

This work identifies acupuncture as one of several effective therapies for AR. MA + CM/Mox may effectively improve AR symptoms and quality of life as demonstrated in pairwise and Bayesian network meta-analyses. Meanwhile, Mox was regarded as the most effective therapy that changes the IgE content from recently evidences. However, insufficient clinical evidence is presently available to guide on the selection of the acupoints, duration of treatment among others. Meanwhile, the overall quality of these included RCTs were mainly ranked as moderate. Therefore, lots of high-quality RCTs are required to validate the above-presented findings.

Yin, Z., Geng, G., Xu, G. et al. Full Article

Current Allergy and Asthma Reports

2020, Sep 02

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Allergic Diseases
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports

It is recommended that acupuncture be integrated into the therapy of allergic rhinitis and asthma, and that CHM be used as an adjunct in the treatment of allergic diseases on an individual basis.

Chan HHL, Ng T Full Article

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research

2018, Jan

Chinese Herbal Medicine to Treat Allergic Rhinitis: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research

This study suggests that CHM appears to improve the quality of life of AR patients. However, these findings, as well as the findings for the effect of CHM on sneezing, total nasal symptoms, and the symptom of itchy nose, need to be substantiated in larger cohorts of AR patients by further well-designed studies.

Zhang X, Lan F, Zhang Y, Zhang L Full Article

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

2017, Nov 06

Potential effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine Yu ping feng san for adult allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies

Oral Chinese herbal medicine formula Yu ping feng san (YPFS) seems to have add-on effects to pharmacotherapy for the treatment of adult allergic rhinitis (AR), when it was administered for at least three weeks.

Luo Q, Zhang CS, Yang L, Zhang AL, Guo X, Xue CC, Lu C Full Article

Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

2015, Oct 11

Acupuncture for seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled trial
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Four weeks of acupuncture treatment is a safe and effective option for clinical management of seasonal allergic rhinitis in the Melbourne area for patients' symptom relief and quality of life improvement.

Xue CC, Zhang AL, Zhang CS, DaCosta C, Story DF, Thien FC Full Article

Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

2015, Jun

Acupuncture and allergic rhinitis
Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

The systemic review of high-quality RCTs demonstrate efficacy and effectiveness for acupuncture in the treatment of both seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. demonstrates efficacy and effectiveness for acupuncture in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, as well as improvement of quality of life and quality-adjusted life-years.

Malcolm B. Tawa, William D. Reddyb, Folashade S. Omolec, and Michael D. Seidmand Full Article

American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

2015, Jan

Acupuncture for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

Our meta-analysis suggests that that acupuncture could be a safe and valid treatment option for allergic rhinitis patients

Feng S, Han M, Fan Y, Yang G, Liao Z, Liao W, Li H Full Article

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

2015, Mar 2

Clinical Practice Guideline: Allergic Rhinitis
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation

Clinicians may offer acupuncture, or refer to a clinician who can offer acupuncture, for patients with allergic rhinitis who are interested in nonpharmacologic therapy.

Seidman MD et al. Full Article


2012, Dec 18

A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial testing the effects of acupuncture on allergic rhinitis

Active acupuncture showed a significantly greater effect on symptoms of allergic rhinitis than either sham acupuncture or no active treatment. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis decreased significantly after treatment in the both acupuncture and sham acupuncture groups. Acupuncture appears to be an effective and safe treatment for allergic rhinitis.

Choi SM, Park JE, Li SS, Jung H, Zi M, Kim TH, Jung S, Kim A, Shin M, Sul JU, Hong Z, Jiping Z, Lee S, Liyun H, Kang K, Baoyan L Full Article

Yin Tang
“It is by virtue of the twelve channels that human life exists, that disease arises, that human beings can be treated and illness cured. The twelve channels are where beginners start and masters end.” The Classic of Acupuncture
Circa 1st Century BCE